Sunday, March 29, 2009

6 week update!!

Well- it's been a while since I have posted an update and that is due to this crazy and amazing roller coaster ride we have been on with our baby girl! We have had so many ups and downs and mountains to overcome these past few weeks! I thought I had a realistic view of how life would change with a baby- but in no way could I have ever imagined or planned for the emotional,physical & mental exhaustion that comes with this bundle of joy named Juliana :)
So a little bit about what has been going on with us:
Last week we took our very first road trip with Jules- to my home town to stay with my parents (Lolli and Poppi)so I could finish up preparations for my little brother's (Kyle) wedding on March 21,2009. I have been planning their wedding since August. Juliana did great on the way down- which is a 6 hour car ride. She slept the entire way!! At my parents house she begin sleeping 6-8 hours at a time each night- which was AMAZING! I felt like a new woman with so much sleep :)
However, prior to that trip I had developed a rash from an allergic reaction to Fenugreek (herbal supplement to help increase milk in breastfeeding). We were trying to get back to where we needed to be since her tongue was now fixed. The rash was horrible-like poison ivy all over my body! Thank the Lord it cleared up somewhat before the wedding. I was taken off the supplement and took benedryl and used a steroid cream to clear it up. This has now caused me to take 10 steps back with feeding (decreasing my milk) and as a result we had to start on some formula supplements this week :( This was not part of my plan, but I know God is in control and his plan is better than mine! Jules weight is still not as high as it should be but we are steadily and slowly gaining. She was 8lb 6 oz on Monday the 23rd.
Back to the wedding- everything was lovely and turned out just how I wanted it to. My team and business partner, Jaime-came from Memphis to help with the coordinating,tent and lighting- and I could not have done it without them!! Thanks guys!! We are still getting compliments on how great it all was. I'm so happy to have Lulu in our family now and look forward to future family get togethers with all of our spouses and kids! :)
Upon returning home we have been trying to get on a schedule somewhat. If you can do that with a 6 week old?! Jules has started smiling and cooing/talking - already taking after me in that aspect of course! ha!
She is so alert now and interested in what is going on around her.
This past Saturday (the 28th) we hosted a couple's shower at our house for good friends- John and Brandy. It was lots of fun and we got to hang out with all of our friends for the first time in a while. Juliana has not slept much during the night since our trip to the Coast so we are hoping to get over this hump SOON so we can get some sleep again! We have also had some professional photos taken of Juliana and hope to get out our announcements with in the next week or so.
The pics are posted on facebook if you want to check them out.
All in all- no matter what-she has been such a blessing and we are so in love with her!! Children truly are a heritage from the Lord- and we are grateful that he has blessed us so much! More to come sooner than later next time!
Love y'all-

Friday, March 6, 2009

Three Weeks in a Nutshell :)

Wow- I can't believe we are three weeks into the life of Juliana Jade already!!
Time is really flying by. We are all doing well and adjusting just fine to life with Jules. Here is a little recap on all that has happened to bring you up to speed! After arriving home from the hospital on Valentine's Day I realized that something was not right with how Jules was feeding. To make a long story short- at our first Pediatrician appointment that Monday we learned that she was tounge tied (meaning her tounge was tied down and she could not latch onto me properly, causing blood blisters!!!!Terrible!). Our wonderful doctor- Julie Ware- helped us in deciding to have her tounge clipped to ensure she would be able to eat and start gaining her weight back. We were down to 7lbs from her 7lb 10oz birth weight and not gaining any back which was a problem. Thank the Lord we are now on the road up and her new tounge is working perfectly!! Dr. Ware has been such a God send and a huge support for me with the trials of feeding and I know I would have given up without her help! Juliana weighed 7lb 8oz at her last visit and I'm sure she is continuing to gain weight daily- she is eating all the time!
So- a BIG Praise the Lord for bringing us through all of that! My precious mom was with us for the past 18 days- taking care of me and helping with the baby. I don't know WHAT I would have done without her!! I was so sad that she had to go home :(
We have had two out of town visitors come to see us- my best friends Leigh Jones (from Orlando) and Lara Barratachea (from Houston). Our wonderful church family and supper club friends have been bringing us dinner a couple nights a week- which has been so nice! With my little brother's wedding just two weeks away- I have been trying to finalize the last minute details along with taking care of the baby- a little bit more of a challenge than I expected :).
We are really looking forward to seeing all of my family and friends at the wedding so they can meet Jules!
The puppies have also adjusted very well to Jules. Rudy is OBSESSED with her and Daisy is not really that interested. They are too funny and I can't wait to see them together once she is older.
Above all- I want to give God all the Glory again for the blessing she is to our lives! We are so greatful that she is such a good baby. She does not cry unless she is hungry or cold. I could not ask for anything more.
This pretty much wraps up our first three weeks in a nutshell! Hopefully I will be able to post more often as she continues to grow and change- and I get more sleep :)
Love to all-